testing maintainability

英 [ˈtestɪŋ meɪnˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti] 美 [ˈtestɪŋ meɪnˌteɪnəˈbɪlɪti]

网络  测试维护性



  1. How much of our testing has been focused on capability rather than other types of quality criteria ( performance, security, scalability, testability, maintainability, and so on)?
  2. The universal simulation testing platform of the satellite communication network was implemented with XSAS, and its adaptability and maintainability proved in application.
  3. This paper explains the basic concept of maintainability and three key stages-distributing, estimating, testing& evaluating of maintainability design in detail, and presents the concrete technological measures of improving the maintainability of military electronic equipment.
  4. The result of practical use shows that the testing equipment has characteristics of high automation, quick testing speed, high precision, simple operation and good maintainability, etc.
  5. Compared with other primary GUI testing approaches, the constructed GUI Ontology which provides a formal GUI model may improve the reusability and maintainability of GUI testing.
  6. Instead of using manual testing, automated testing greatly reduce the workload of the software testers and improve the efficiency of the test, while reusability and maintainability also meet the requirements for software testing and win a lot of valuable time.
  7. It base on but not limited to the exists research of software testing area, attaching much weight to project benefits, ensuring testing works robustness, expandability and maintainability.
  8. Make a research about the testing of the operation of performance assessment information system in Zhongshan Detention house, which includes the analysis of its functionality, reliability, interoperability, maintainability and so on. 4.
  9. Subsequent testing, it also proves that the system to meet the functional needs, it is also strong and has high reliability and maintainability characteristics.
  10. After testing, this system has good stability and maintainability and thus shows great engineering practical value.
  11. The ways of traditional testing system mainly are manual and semi-auto, but the maintainability and scalability of the system are poor, with low efficiency.